Monthly Archives: September 2008

Sarah Palin cannot escape the ceaseless hammering from the media, blogs like this one, in the newspapers, at political meetings, everywhere. Salon posted an article titled “Sarah Palin Pity Party” today, for example.

I believe that many Democrats are really scared that she might do well in Thursday’s VP debate. I think she will do OK, but not great. My personal opinion is that McCain shot himself in the foot by choosing Palin not because she is incapable but because there is an impression she is incapable. I think Palin is smart and talented. Inexperienced. Of course.

A lot of women on on the hate Sarah bandwagon. That surprises me although I’ve known for quite some time that women never learned to circle the wagons. Their loss.

Allow me this to ask this fantasy question of all females: Let’s just pretend that you are the governor of Utah (that’s not unlike Alaska to me).

Let’s further assume you are a Democrat, that you have a large family, you love politics and you have been in office for two years.

Obama gives you a call. “Will you join me?” What do you say?

greg cryns

Comment on Salon’s Pity Party for Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin ceaselessly gets hammered in the media, on the web, in the newspapers, at political meetings, everywhere. Salon posted an article titled “Sarah Palin Pity Party” today, for example.

I believe that many Democrats are really scared that she might do well in Thursday’s VP debate. I think she will do OK, but not great. My personal opinion is that McCain shot himself in the foot by choosing Palin not because she is incapable but because there is an impression she is incapable. I think Palin is smart and talented. Inexperienced. Of course.

A lot of women on on the hate Sarah bandwagon. That surprises me although I’ve known for quite some time that women never learned to circle the wagons. Their loss.

Allow me this to ask this fantasy question of all females:

Let’s just pretend that you are the governor of Utah (that’s not unlike Alaska to me).

Let’s further assume you are a Democrat and you  have been in office for two years and you love politics.

Obama gives you a call. “Will you join me?”

What do you say?

greg cryns

Hack the debates tonight!

Are you ready?

The first debate is less than five hours away.

Ralph Nader will be at the HBO studios in Los Angeles, waiting to go on the Bill Maher show (tune in at 11pm EST to see Ralph live).

He’ll watch the debate backstage, our video team will capture Ralph’s response, and then we will post it on our YouTube channel within an hour or two after the debate.

Our entire staff will remain in the DC campaign office, to respond online to the corporate propaganda being beamed to 100 million Americans from Oxford, Mississippi.

Want to join in?

This is what you need to do.

Fire up your computer by 9 p.m. EST.

Dozens of on-line websites will allow for live blogging from around the world.

Here’s your chance to make your points heard for Nader/Gonzalez.

You can weigh in on substantive issues like the war in Iraq, the threats to Iran, the Israeli/Palestinian issue, the bloated wasteful military budget.

You can raise concerns like why Ralph is being excluded from the debates.

We’ve compiled a list below of the larger sites that will allow for live blogging during the debates.

Let’s get in there and do battle.

Since the two party controlled debate commission is locking Ralph out, we are relying on you to get our message to the voters.

Onward to November.

The Nader Team×2037

A chat with my new friend and Conservative, Steve

This is my answer to an email sent by Steve.

Voting for anyone is pissing in the wind because they are all such blowhards.

I remember my Grandfather, an Irish Catholic in Chicago, told me once: “Greg. The game they play at the top (President) is a real mean and dirty one.”

This coming from a guy who adored Richard J. Daley. He knew stuff. I listened and learned. I think he was telling me that there is little difference between high politics and the Mafioso.

Really, why care. If you killed all of the terrorists today there will be thousands coming up tomorrow.

In my mind the U.S. is history’s most active terrorist. After all, what other country fire bombed both Japan and Germany when both countries were phreaking helpless. Do you remember how late in WWII Dresden happened. It was like WEEKS before the surrender. How many ununiformed citiezens were killed there? I don’t know but it was a LOT. Something like 100,000. Let that sink in. 100,000 civilians.

Oh I know, war is hell. Wikipedia says, “None of Dresden’s garrisons or military sites were targeted. Some of the Allies described the operation as the justified bombing of a military and industrial target while others called it “Terror.” ”  Others called it “terror”.

They wonder, “Why do they hate us?” Think, man. It is obvious.

No, there is no excusing the leaders. They are full of crap, all of them. Yet we always give those bloodthirsty bastards a pass. What a bunch of wimps we are. I feel like I am a puppet on strings.

The Democrats are the most bloodthirsty of the bunch. Wilson, Truman, LBJ. I don’t remember any Republicans dropping atomic bombs on civilians. Kennedy was no saint either, though he seems to have been canonized by the minions just like Reagan. You know, the Actor.

The modern day Republicans are repulsive. It’s not the same Party any more. They are slimebags just like their counterparts.

It is obvious to me that the people are totally brainwashed, not by the politicians, but by their own parents. Our parents were lovable goofballs (otherwise known as suckers). Always ready to bend over for the fave leader. Things have not changed too much, I guess.

I met a liberal in Paso Robles. Damned if this is not the most Conservative town on earth. Who would have thought in the middle of California. They love their giant pickup trucks and cowboy hats around here. I bet John Wayne camped out here one night many moons ago. I met that liberal, another goofball guy with long hair, an ex-teacher, when I was doing my morning walk.

We have lots of Mexicans living in Paso. They pretty much keep to themselves barely lifting their heads when I walk by them with my white dog. There is a gleaming anger in their eyes, not like the Chicanos in Chicago. These people are an angry bunch. They believe the whites stole their land back in the 1800’s. Know what? They are correct.

But you and I have a secret. We’ve won life’s lottery. We were born white males in the U.S. There must be a God in Heaven surely watching over us, the white males in the good ole U.S. of A. I love it when Conservatives pretend that they earned their keep. “We work so hard,” they say. “And the spics don’t work much at all,” they say. “It’s amazing how lucky I get when I work.” Tripe like that.

Well, you said the gloves were off so if you got this far, I hoep you were entertained.

I am not your average left wingnut, as the Conservative hero says. Ah, Rush, he knows how to play his cards, eh? $40 million scored. If Jesus Christ Himself showed up on Rush’s show and told him he was wrong, Rush would express false anger and call Jesus a fakir. Just like Mr. Hannity and Olbermann. They get paid to talk their talk. They never forget who feeds them. Good boys. Don’t ever bite the hand that feeds you, eh?

Know what I fear most? Religious people. I’m not talking about your average Catholic or Lutheran or even Episcopalian (isn’t that the Presidential domain?). I am talking about the Evangelists. The people who would love to see the end of the world during their own lifetimes. The ones who would not be Left Behind.

They scare me.

One of my fave quotes is by Patton. “General, do you read the Bible?”

“Every Goddamn day.”

Nite, Steve.

What I learned watching the Republican Convention tonight

(Palin points out a black man on the RNC floor)

1.  Palin warmed the hearts of extreme Republicans everywhere.

2. If I want to give a speech I will want Matthew Scully to write it for me, too.

3. I learned that Palin is very good at reading from a prompt.

4. I saw one black man on the RNC floor! I don’t even think he was a reporter!

5. Rudy Giuliani needs no lipstick. He is the real pit bull. Grrrrrrr!

6. Giulani said that John needs the support of an experienced person like Palin. Uh, ok.

7. Palin is HOT. Very frisky.

8. So far, no one has said much about the economy.

9. Joe Biden does not have to be concerned about being a gentleman at the VP debate any more.

10. McCain likes to kiss babies.

It looks to me like the Republicans closed ranks at precisely the wrong time.

The next sound you will hear is a trumpet playing TAPS for McCain and the hot mama.

The Master of BS – Tucker Bounds

McCain aide defends Palin

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds speaks with CNN’s Campbell Brown about Gov. Sarah Palin

Don’t ya just love politics? It’s such pure BS. Can you practice this stuff or is it simply a gift from God?